
Office for International Relations

Picture (Licence/photographer/designer): Fachbereich Marketing + Kommunikation / Roland Gorecki

Partnership with Bondo, Kenya

Since 2008 people from various regions in the Bondo district have benefited from the project “Every Drop Counts” of the world shop Aplerbeck (Dortmund).

The City of Dortmund supports this project in an advisory and coordinating capacity. In May 2019, Lord Mayor Ullrich Sierau visited the project together with the head of the INA office Martin van der Pütten - ideas for an expansion of the project were discussed. Necessary funds were supplied by companies from Dortmund so that the construction of two school toilets could begin.

A donation from the Sparkasse Dortmund in the context of the coronavirus pandemic was used to provide hand washing stations and a rain tank.

Picture Collection: Partnership with Bondo, Kenya

Partnership with Bondo, Kenya 7 pictures
Picture (Licence/photographer/designer): Stadt Dortmund